Our commitment

Giveback program


From the day we started the business it was all about enriching life, to give back to our community at multiple levels.  We tried our best since that very first day to offer quality products made locally with the help of dedicated people.

Making a great product isn’t easy, especially those days with all the difficulties from getting the best materials at an affordable cost to ensure solidity, durability and sustainability but also to make the difference in people life. Not only with our product and our clients but within our company. The way we work, the way we choose who we work with.

All this has a cost. We are often misinterpreting the word cost, associating it with money but what about time, what about the depth of understanding, patience, trust and all the challenges those put us into sometimes? We were never cheap on those ones. It is why we chose to trust Coop Adirondak, a Québec nonprofit dedicated to the insertions of people with mental and physical disabilities. With their help, all our benches are carefully adjusted, double checked and packed manually. This is not only giving work to people nobody would trust to get their job done but helping them to get confidence within themselves, to have a goal and a routine, to feel part of something bigger. For some workers, improving parts of their injured body to function better as that work routine work as reeducation.  

There is many giveback program in this world, we chose a one which is not about money or brand image but one which involves day by day our heart and ourself deeply. This is the cost of being a local business, but it is one we will never be tired of.

At a time of over consuming, environmental considerations, reducing cost and services not given by reel humans we ask you, what is your commitment? Ours is toward you dear friends and we take the occasion to tell you our story and thank you very much for your support as this support goes in those little hands which make our community enriched and alive.

With love, 





